Donate to MOSY

Your support makes the music possible.

Your donation to MOSY matters because it fuels the power of music within our community. Your support allows us to bring world-class symphonic experiences to Columbia, ensuring that the joy and inspiration of orchestral music remains accessible to all. It empowers our education programs that nurture young musicians and foster a lifelong love of music. Additionally, your generosity helps MOSY reach out into the heart of our community, bringing music to those who may not otherwise experience its transformative power. Your donation is an investment in the cultural vibrancy of Columbia, ensuring that music continues to enrich lives for generations to come.

More ways to give:


Serenade - $50+

  • Name recognition in season program books and the MOSY Annual Report

  • Free lost ticket replacement

  • Access to our weekly emails

Minuet - $100+

All of the benefits of Serenade, plus:

  • Invitation to the Season Opening Night Party

  • Invitation to the Musicians Picnic, a casual evening with the Missouri Symphony Orchestra

Fugue - $250+

All of the benefits of Minuet, plus:

  • Advance notice of other special events and invitations to donors-only events

  • Priority seating and renewal privileges during donor pre-sale

Sonata - $500+

All of the benefits of Fugue, plus:

  • Access to a donor-exclusive MOSY curated playlist

  • Access to an exclusive bi-monthly email from MOSY’s executive director

Concerto - $1,000+

All of the benefits of Sonata, plus:

  • Invitation to a private reception with a special guest artist

Symphony - $2,500+

All of the benefits of Concerto, plus:

  • Invitation to post-concert toast with the Maestro and MSO musicians

Founder's Circle - $5,000+

The Founder’s Circle recognizes our most committed patrons and is named in honor of Hugo and Lucy Vianello, founders of the Missouri Symphony.

All of the benefits of Symphony, plus:

  • Invitation to An Evening with the Maestro, a private dinner and performance featuring the Maestro and special guests

  • Opportunity to donate ten MOSY concert tickets to a charity of your choice

MOSY donor levels operate on a cumulative basis. Any donations or pledges will contribute to your current donor level and increase donor levels accordingly.


Please contact Trent Rash via email or call at (573) 607-5901